I meant to write this one a few weeks ago, and I'm finally getting to it, even without the photos from my infuriating camera. So here are a few of the things that I am really grateful for as 2008 draws to a close...
- Sleeping Children. Now don't get me wrong, I love my children when they are awake as well. But there is nothing, and I mean NOTHING like watching these sweet little stinkers sleep. They are absolutely perfect. It warms my heart, makes all life's troubles melt away, and even makes me giggle just watching them sleep. (just look at the shin guards on Caleb's legs and you'll see a great example of why I giggle.)
- My new washer and dryer. I've wanted a front load
washer and dryer for what feels like forever! I've gone from trudging through my laundry ALL WEEK LONG to starting and finishing it in a single day. What is there not to love about that? Plus they are my favorite color - RED. Even better, they play a little melody to remind me that it's time to switch out the clothes I'm washing/drying. And my favorite - they have a "steam" cycle where you put in a few items that need to be ironed, and it steams the wrinkles right out of them. I'm in laundry heaven I tell you. The only thing that I can imagine that could make it even better would be if a little elf came in every week and did it all for me. I always believed that possessions couldn't bring happiness until I was introduced to these little beauties. They're bringing me some serious happiness.
- My running shoes. I've decided that buying new running shoes every six months is considerably cheaper than therapy. And that is exactly what they are to me. Therapy. Really good therapy! I've been running since I was 13 years old, and this year it means even more to me. Why? I spent a few years being sick, and I remember the day I told Mike, "I'm not a runner anymore." I just took too much out of me physically to justify it's "mental" benefits. It was a sad day for me. It makes me cry to think about it. I honestly didn't think I'd ever run a considerable distance again. But this year I've been able to start running again. It's like I've reconnected with a good friend that I thought I'd lost forever. This year, I'm lovin' my running shoes, and it feels good.
- Good friends. I have friends who've been there for me since Jr. High, friends strewn across the country from the many places I've lived, and friends in my own neighborhood who make my life on so much brighter on a daily basis. Women need other women. It's just the way it is. I'm grateful to have some absolutely amazing women in my life.
- My sweetheart. He loves me, believes in me, and makes me laugh. Who could ask for more? Our first date was 15 years ago this month, and he hasn't been able to shake me since :).
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ. With each passing year I realize more and more how little I actually know, how imperfect I am, and how completely dependent I am upon Him.
I have much to be grateful for - but these are a few of my favorites. Life is good.
This is a darling post and when you look at the little darlings sleeping, take note. . . . Kaitlyn is positioned to leap into action as soon as her brain lets her know she is awake; Kassidy, who hates to give in to sleep because she wants to be a part of everything going on, alas she finally nods off after numerous attempts at "one more story"; Caleb, the little guy plays until he drops into a coma . . . . ready to play as soon as morning light creeps into the Ricks home. . . . you gotta love these kids.
Love all of your favorite things; especially the singing RED Washer and Dryer. . . . and especially the Gospel.
You are a delight my daughter.
What? A steam cycle? NO ironing? Great, now I'm going to be coveting your washer/dryer this week....
I mean Yeah! Good for you! So happy for you!
i love your washer and dryer too....
ps. that pic of caleb sleeping is the funniest. it IS like he's in a coma.
I am coveting your lovely washer & dryer!! I'm glad they aren't just pretty, but also making a dreaded chore a little bit easier.
Your sleeping babes are just precious. :)
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