Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Power of a Woman

This last week I've done a lot of thinking about the strength I see in the women I know. I have friends who are going through or still dealing with the effects of divorce, many facing what seem to be enormous financial struggles, another mourning the loss of her mother, and others who face the challenges of raising small children in a harsh and often unforgiving world.

It's made me think about the power that resides within every woman. You know what? They are strong. They are powerful. And there's a bunch of them who don't even know it. Now don't get me wrong, I know that men have incredible strengths as well, I just don't know that much about men other my own husband & the cute little 7 year old running around that looks just like him. I see their personal strengths on a daily basis, but other than them I'm pretty much clueless when it comes to men. But women I get. Being a woman kind of gives me an unfair advantage on this one.

The power within a woman differs from person to person, but it's there. You can feel it when you are around them. Do you know what I mean? You can honestly feel it when they are using their strength. Maybe that sounds weird, but for me it's true. It's power that can be seen or felt in their determination, kindness, and strong will. It's there in the smallest and most encompassing aspects of a women's life. It's there in the way she treats her children, her husband, her friends. So why am I writing about it, and for that matter thinking about it?

I believe so strongly in the power of women that I honestly know the power to change the world lies within them. This is the reason that the adversary (or whatever you want to call that stinkin' force that just wants to screw up the world) does everything within his power to keep women from seeing just how amazing they are. Get a woman to focus on anything other than what really matters in life, and you've got her. Get her to focus on having the perfect body, the perfect clothing, the perfect home, the perfect ANYTHING, and you get her to stop focusing on the stuff that really does matter. Her strength is lost. Get her to treat others with disdain and disrespect, and her power fades away. And in the process, you literally affect everyone around her.

So my question is, why in the world do we women seem to be so willing to turn over our God given power to anyone who wants to claim it? Why? I just don't get it. I guess it's easy for nearly everyone of us to say, "oh, it's because all the media does these days is focus on physical beauty." or "I've had a really hard life, and I just don't have control over this stuff" And all of that is true, but you want to know what I think? I think we hand it over to anyone else because we either don't have a clue how strong we are, or it's just easier to let it go.

My son came home today in tears. Since kindergarten he's been best buddies with two boys at school. They play together, have class together, and ride the bus together. Well, at the beginning of the year a new kid moved in. Nice kid by the way. BUT - only 3 kids can sit on the same seat on the bus. Guess who got kicked out of the "best buddy club"? My kid. I'm sure I don't have to tell you how hard it is to watch your own child confront something that painful. "Buck up" and "Make some new friends!" just don't seem to cut it. Crap, I've had friends do the same thing to me and I'm 37. It hurts a helluva lot let me tell you. After consoling him, I have to go somewhere else in the house to hide so I can cry. Honestly, it's breaking my heart. He's seven. He doesn't see his strength. He doesn't know how absolutely amazing he is. I'm trying my best to teach him, but this is life. And sometimes life stinks!

So why in the world am I sharing this story and talking about women? Because we do the same damn thing to each other ALL THE TIME!!! Some of us are so used to giving our own power away that we can't stand to see another woman be strong. Not only do we have to get rid of our own, we have to take everyone else down in the process. And I am sick of it! Did you hear that? SICK OF IT!

So ladies - gather together those women in your life who inspire you, and in the process you will inspire them. Get rid of the meanness, the cattyness, all of the crap that doesn't matter one little bit. Seriously, whatever your passion is in life, whether it is your job, your kids, your spouse, the environment, your faith, WHATEVER - just grab onto it and stand up for it. Make it important. Make it matter. Do not let anyone or anything take that power within you away.

Thank you to my girlfriends, my family, and the women out there who don't have a clue that I am watching, for inspiring me. Thank you for being strong. Thank you for showing me that the power of a woman is indeed immeasurable and everlasting.


Kristi said...


I love that you "get" this, because so many just don't. I make a concious choice every day to surround myself with women who inspire me. Life is too short to do otherwise.

Kristin said...

Part of that sounded like a Screwtape letter, the part about how the adversary side-tracks us. I was just having this conversation with Kristi, we were lamenting our bodies flaws, I was telling her about my sharing time in Primary where I asked the kids if they ever felt ashamed of their bodies, bc that's one way Satan gets to us, they all just looked at me like deer in the headlights. No clue what I was talking about. Why do we lose that? Why do we start hating ourselves, and then others, bc they look better? You're right it's ridiculous. Good Post T.

Kathleen said...

Thank you for such a passionate post; you are an inspiration to me Kristen and I love you so much. You are just a great example of being true to yourself.

Rock on Rockin Ricks Mama!

Michelle said...

What an amazing, well-written post! I know that one of Satan's greatest tools with women is discouragement and the constant comparing to our peers. What a great reminder for all of us to realize the power within!

And I hear you with the friend drama! I'm constantly telling the same thing to my kids..."That's why you want to have LOTS of friends so when so & so are lame, you have others to choose from." But it's hard! They don't quite get it when they see their BEST friends turn on them! It's brings out the "mother bear" in me, always wanting to protect my little "cubs"!

kamcicle said...

you da coolest!

ps. i work with all men. there isn't much to get. and i'm not just talking about the felons. :)

Julie said...

Nicely said Kristen and so true. We're strong and determined - especially when it comes to fighting for our families. Thanks again for your inspiration and passion, it's been a blessing reconnecting with you again.

gina said...

Thank you for your nice comments on my blog. You made my day! I clicked on over to yours and found your world, your beautiful family, and your great talent for writing. I will check back often and say hello. This post about women was really interesting. A subject one could spend HOURS discussing. I totally agree with you- of a very REAL adversarial strategy- to get a woman to be distracted or discouraged or competitive. That is a win for the darkside. Ironically, so many compete against other women of our same faith -this seems so strange to me, yet it is the culture in general, of many faiths, of life - I guess. Being aware of it though, and choosing not to participate is most of the battle. I like how you think. How you write. Thanks again for the nice note. You are very kind and I look forward to getting to know you more.