Sunday, November 2, 2008

Apparently I've been tagged ...

5 things I was doing 10 years ago ...

1. I was living in Northern Virginia with my husband and 2 1/2 month old baby girl.
2. Wondering, "Will I ever get enough sleep again in my entire life?"
3. Wondering, "How come everyone makes this mommy thing look so easy, and I'm just not getting it?"
4. Wondering, "Will I ever feel normal again?"
5. Obviously doing a lot of wondering in my sleep deprived state. I must have been absent that day in school when some competent adult explained how INCREDIBLY HARD being a parent is. I mean, seriously, they wouldn't just send me off completely unprepared for this insane adventure they call parenthood would they?

5 things on today's "to do" list...

1. Get an extra hour of sleep! Man, I LOVE the end of Daylight Savings Time for this very reason. (DONE!)
2. Go to church, and try to gain some spiritual insight into my life without falling asleep or yelling at my kids. (DID MY BEST!)
3. Clean my laundryroom. I kind of threw everything in there for my Halloween Party the other night so my home would "appear" clean. Today I had to pay the piper for that one. (DONE!)
4. Watch "Journey to the Center of the Earth" with my family. (DONE! this was totally fun, and we ate tons of Halloween candy at the same time. Wahoo!)
5. Snuggle with Mike. (Still lookin' forward to this one!)

5 snacks I enjoy...

1. Really good icecream (Dreyers/Edy's happens to be my favorite)
2. Tortilla chips and homemade salsa. (I'm starting to drool just thinking about it)
3. Costco's chocolate cake (the round one with chocolate shavings on top). YUM!
4. 3 Musketeer's candybar. Also YUM!
5. My mother-in-laws homemade sweetrolls! DOUBLE YUM!

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire...

1. Hire a housekeeper to clean my house EVERY DAY and do my laundry for me EVERY WEEK!
2. Hire a chef to cook all of my and my families meals.
3. Buy a houseboat & ski boat and leave them at Lake Powell. Spend LOADS of time there!
4. TRAVEL!!!!! Everywhere and anywhere.
5. Share it with those I love.

5 places I have lived...

1. Utah (Go Beehive state)
2. New Hampshire (Live Free or Die! I love that slogan!)
3. Vermont (Nothing like Autumn in the Green Mountain State. Sigh...)
4. Virginia (They aren't kidding, Virginia truly is for lovers. wink wink.)
5. North Carolina (In my mind I'm goin' to Carolina - miss that place)

5 jobs that I have had...

1. Subway Sandwich builder (high school)
2. MTC Teacher/Supervisor (college)
3. 8th grade history teacher (intern for 1 year)
4. Political Fundraiser (fresh out of college and still an idealist)
5. The best one ever that only offers "on the job training" - Mommy!

Rules: Each player answers the question themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, Let the person that tagged you know when you've answered the questions on your blog.

Okay, so I don't know if I even have 5 people who read my blog. So if you are reading this, consider yourself tagged!


Kristi said...

cute Kristen... hope you don't mind me peeking in on your blog. (I found it thru Kristin Nakaya)

Fun to read about you - you've lived all over, girl! Goodness! I am laughing at your "wondering", and remembering that phase all too well. I'm pretty sure I'm still sleep deprived...

Love your Frank & Stein party idea - could that be any cuter?!

It was fun to come see you and your lovely home. Thanks again for all your work on the reunion... it's going to be great!

Kristin said...

I read your blog, but I don't do tags. Not anymore. I hate them. I would love to live back east, I hear the church is really great out there.
And about your other post, your son sounds like a sweetheart, and you get up at 6:30am and make waffles!?! My kids are lucky to grab a bowl of cereal they make themselves. I don't even get out of bed till they're gone if I can help it...